Generate AI Models and Product Images for


Service Available on PC & Mac


LuckPik - Your AI-Powered Creative Studio for E-Commerce!

Elevate your online store with stunning visuals created effortlessly using our cutting-edge AI technology. LuckPik helps you showcase your products in the best light, driving engagement and boosting sales.

What LuckPik Offers

AI-Generated Models

Generate professional photos with AI Model & scenes from Mannequin & Real Model photos

Toys, Products or Furniture Scenes

Get eye-catching photos of toys, products, or furniture with well-suited backgrounds and scenes

Choose or Customize Scenes

Choose a desired scene or generate a scene with prompts to get exactly what you want


Simple Abstract Semi-Transparent Trendy Flower Shape


Get professional images immediately


Get e-commerce ready images in a few clicks

High Quality

Output clear and natural pictures


Achieve expert shooting effects at a low cost


What can LuckPik do?

LuckPik is a platform designed to help e-commerce businesses and online sellers enhance their product images and create engaging visual content, such as change mannequin and real model to AI generated models, AI-Generated Scenes, background removal and replacement, etc.

What is AI model generation, and how does it benefit e-commerce businesses?

AI model generation involves using artificial intelligence algorithms to create realistic product images or scenes. This technology benefits e-commerce businesses by enabling them to showcase their products in engaging ways without the need for expensive photoshoots.

Can AI-generated scenes be customized to fit different product categories?

Yes, AI-generated scenes can be customized to fit various product categories. Whether you're selling furniture, clothing, or toys, you can create scenes that highlight your products in the best possible light.

How can AI model generation help businesses save time and money?

AI model generation can help businesses save time and money by eliminating the need for photoshoots and costly editing processes. It allows businesses to create high-quality images quickly and efficiently.

How to use LuckPik?

To use LuckPik for your e-commerce, you only need 4 steps at most: Upload a product/toy/furniture/model/mannequin picture, select the section to keep, choose an AI model, choose or generate a scene, and generate the professional picture for your online stores or website.

Are AI-generated models and scenes realistic-looking?

Yes, AI-generated models and scenes are designed to be as realistic as possible. They can mimic real-life scenarios, making it easier for customers to visualize how products will look in different settings.

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